Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dress For Success-What's Your Secret?

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I say ‘The dress to success’……the business suits…?

However, Dressing for success does not only means your “dress” but it involves everything that your opponent (your client, your partner, your employees or your competitor is going to see and feel when he meets you.

What are the things that you notice when u meet someone? It’s not only what he/she is wearing but more importantly it’s the energy that they transmit and the attitude that they reflect.

So let’s discuss the secret to the getting dress for success.

Rule # 1: Fill yourself up with all the relevant information so that you appear confident and subtle during the meeting

Rule # 2: Make sure your head is full of positive thoughts ( try listening to some favorite music or something u enjoy doing to set up your mood). Unless your head is thinking in positive direction you can never exhale positive energy.

Rule #3: Match you dressing with the attitude you want to wear….decide what do you want to be suitable candidate for job, caring company, honest/reliable partner or a leader. What you wear should reflect your message, ensuring nobody gets the wrong message.

Rule# 4: Remember, ‘If you can’t sell it to yourself, nobody is ever going to buy it!’. When you are ready to go, brief yourself the points you want to discuss at the meeting in front of the mirror. Analyze the energy you are emitting, honestly analyze what impression your audience is going to get. There’s plenty of time to fix this impression so try changing your facial expressions, your tone, your movements or other non verbal gestures until you are sure that you are transmitting the correct feeling. Remember always unless you connect with your audience in the first 10 minutes of your meeting you are never going to be able to sell your thoughts.

Rule #5: Always praise yourself in front of the mirror (ladies don’t get overwhelmed) before leaving; recheck that you look what you wanted for this particular meeting. Appreciation always boosts confidence so appreciate yourself (positively) to spray that final dash of confidence.

Rule # 6: The Golden Rule: Wear your best smile. Even if the situation is too dramatic and messed up a smile on your face would give comfort to others and you never know it might set up a mood of problem resolution rather then problem discussion. There might be some situations where you think a harsh one is unavoidable but remember that hurting anyone’s ego and self esteem doesn’t mean that you are stronger. So keep yourself calm and composed through whatever situation you are in.

With no offense, sometimes ladies get too involved in what they will wear at a certain meeting rather than deciding what message they want to be reflected. This behavior is not only truly unprofessional but it sends out wrong signals for all the women in business.

The matter of fact is that nobody can recall what you wore to a certain meeting but everyone would remember how you acted through that meeting. So keep your focus on what would be associated with your personality for a longer period.

So maybe not the best suit but let’s wear the best attitude to the next meeting.


Unknown said...

really good point. most importantly, well said.


Robin.Jourdan said...

really good, well written, memorable. Keep these coming Tabinda

Anonymous said...

So much valuable common sense in such a short article! Thanks for also giving very concrete tips on how to make sure that you are dressed for success from the tip of your toes to the crown of your head - and from the inside out!

Trina Roach